Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Shopping or Bad Decision Making

Some people enjoy shopping. Some people are naturals. I have seen people buy Christmas presents for someone in the middle of the summer because they consider it such an appropriate gift. That ain't me.

Sure, if you are three years old, I can shop for you. I just head to the nearest toy store and blow some yuppie food stamps on some brightly colored shiny plastic crap. There you go. Christmas shopping is done. But for adults, it is a completely different story, I it is why I consider Christmas shopping hell.

First, I have no money sense, absolutely none. My wife always handled most of the shopping and she is excellent at it, always finding something that just seems to fit the person. Now that we don't see each other anymore, I am stuck in shopping hell.

My idea of Christmas shopping is knowing something you want and going buying it. Notice that I don't mention anything in there about considering price. That is right, money is an object with me, but I would rather spend money on something someone wants than to pass around that fruit cake to another unsuspecting victim. So, often people consider me to have a touch of insanity at Christmas.

So, why would I say that. Well, I might spend several hundred dollars on you one Christmas and fourty bucks the next. I am driven buy getting what someone wants rather than the price. Yea, if I find out you want a pack of gum, I will work very diligently to gift wrap it. You have been a victim of Steve's rule. If you wants it, I will get it, but I don't put price into the equation.

So, you got a pack of gum from me this Christmas but a color TV last Christmas? Yes, you have been a victim of Steve's buying philosophy. If you really think about it, it is kind of like playing the lottery, but usually you will always come away with something.

Then I occasionally have a theme Christmas, the most famous being the Christmas I bought everyone clocks. Yes, I did type clocks. Why? Oh, beats the heck out of me. I was on a roll so I went with it.

Nope, I don't enjoy Christmas shopping, but I do like dumping a yuppie food stamp in the bell ringers little pot. I did that just the other day. Now, that is Christmas to me. I know I am old because I get more excited about seeing family for Christmas than I do about presents. Yes, I am an old fart.

Take Care,

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