Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Talking About Pain

Lately I have seen a lot of upset people. The upset feeling they express are typically due to someone on myspace doing something. I really have trouble dealing with these types of posts because I don't understand the drama surrounding them.

Then I have an evening like tonight. For some reason suddenly all the pain of what has happened to me over the last few years comes flooding back. Yea, it is a panic attack,  with its own unique collection of symptoms. Hey, at least I am courteous of enough to not always having the exact same symptoms. It makes it kind of like an adventure.

Then I get on here to relieve myself of the pain through sharing my thoughts, but you notice I don't constantly go through the symptoms. Most of them have never been mentioned here and won't be. Why? Because I know that I create this pain for myself and it is purely my doing. I don't want to give myself the satisfaction of going looking for sympathy. It isn't productive and re-enforces the negative behavior of creating the symptoms in the first place.

But then I read blogs about people so terribly upset over things I consider trivial. I ask myself why someone is getting so dramatic over something I consider easily correctable. If I have someone that I don't want to hear from on here, I just blast them into the great digital oblivion. No, I don't do this casually and friends get cut a lot of slack at times, but I don't allow anyone to be a bad influence on me. This is one of the wonderful things about myspace.

So, again I ask why such drama over people on myspace? My guess is that the issue is actually something else in the people's lives and comments on myspace are triggering the anxiety, similar to my panic attacks. They come out of the blue and I don't always recognize what triggers them. So, if you are stressed over people on myspace, don't look at what is going on on myspace. Somewhere in your life there is likely something else that is troubling you.

Try to put your issues in perspective. I am not going through my issues because I consider them trivial to what a lot of people go through. Think of the parent that can't afford to buy Christmas presents for their kid. Think of the woman that is abused by her husband. Think of the parents that are losing their kids in a war on the other side of the world. Put your problem in perspective. When I do this, by problems seem trivial and I actually feel fortunate.

Yes, this was a short rant about something that has been irking me.

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