Sunday, November 16, 2008

Born to Be A Racist?

Based upon the title of this blog, I picked a song which may first not seem to fit at all, but the more I think about it, the better it fits. It is also very nice to listen to while writing about a touchy subject.
I think we can all agree that sexual desire is something that is encoded in our genes. If not, we would have become extinct a long time ago. Nobody has to teach you how to get aroused, it just happens. It is part of human nature. I chose the song above because it is one of the most sexual songs that I can think off, as well as one of the coolest pick up lines:)
So, why am I writing this blog? I had someone respond to one of my comments to some else's blog with a comment that made me reconsider my position on something. Yes, my holier than thou self found another perspective on a long held belief. I have always believed that racism, along with a bunch of other nasty isms, is caused by insecurity, that someone is wanting to make themselves feel superior even though they have nothing that they have actually done to justify the feeling.
The comment I received was that there have been studies suggesting racism is caused by a genetic instinct, just like the sexual instinct. Supposedly it is something we are born with. After thinking about this, I suppose it is possible. For instance, would you be more comfortable in a room full of people of your race or a different race. Yea, you may say it doesn't matter to you, but you would feel more comfortable around people like you. It is just like women running in a heard, going to the bathroom together. They have something in common.
Now that I am finished with my racist jerk paragraph, I have to move to the point of this blog. I find women attractive, but just because I find them attractive, I don't go start humping on their leg. Sure, it would be funny, but I have the common sense to recognize right from wrong. Yea, there are certain basic instincts we all have, but that doesn't mean we allow those basic instincts to control us. We think. We realize that our differences are something to appreciate, rather than something to divide us. So yes, I acknowledge that racism could be rooted in some basic tribal instinct, but I choose to believe that people are more than just their basic instincts. I do believe my proposition that racist people are insecure is still valid. So, I must have figured out a way to piss someone out there off in this blog. Am I way off base? Take Care, Steve

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