Friday, November 14, 2008

How To Change

Well, selecting a tune for this blog turned out to be not as hard as I initially thought. You see, I wanted to get across how your attitude affects your life. We can choose to be negative, or we can choose to be positive. While Jimmy seems to draw a definite conclusion in this song, it really illustrates something I wanted to include here.

Apparently someone's driving ability had a significant influence on Jimmy. After all, he took the time to write a song about the guy. I would say there is a definite hint of blaming here. I try to approach life a bit differently.

I want positive influences in my life. These influences include more than just people. It means tailoring my environment to what is best for me. Sounds self centered? You bet. My life is very self centered these days and I am very proud of it. You can only be a positive influence on others if you are a positive person, so I don't tend to think to much about people that make choices I wouldn't. I simply let it go and move on.

 I thought it a good idea to just share some of the things that work for me.
  • Don't do the same thing every day. Look for different things to break the cycle.
  • Don't think about troubling things that you know that you cannot do anything about.
  • Create an environment which is comfortable for you. Obviously a lot of things can go into this, and I will list some below.
  • Listen to music, but not just any music. Listen to upbeat music. There are plenty of places online. I go to
  • Having candles burning help me. I love the sent as well as the light.
  • Soft lighting is also a plus. I find the energy efficient bulbs to be great for this. I have a lot of lights, but most are low wattage bulbs that make for a warm peaceful glow.
  • Go for a walk. How long should you walk? You should walk until you don't feel like walking anymore.
  • Watch the Dog Whisperer. Look at how he is able to create a peaceful harmonious atmosphere, not only with the dogs, but with the people too.
  • Don't discuss problems with people that you know have no solution.
  • Think of what you have, rather than what you don't have.
  • If you think your situation is bad, think of people that have endured much worse and count yourself lucky.
  • Help someone. When you do, you help yourself.
  • Go out an learn someone's name. I find it easiest to find someone with their name on their shirt. Remember it.
  • Having a fountain with running water is peaceful to me. I have one in my living room.
  • Never think about trying to change someone else. If you do, you are judging, which is a bad thing.
  • Think about how you can improve you.
  • Only changes in you can change others. If you project a positive attitude, others will pick up on it.
  • You can't always get watch you want, but you will get what you need.
  • People avoid clingy people. Don't be clingy. No, I am not saying be hard to get. Just don't be hard up.
  • Don't think these are hard or bad times. What is going on these days is only bad in comparison to some things. Things are wonderful if you compare them with some other times. You have a very low chance of being eaten by a dinosaur these days. Be thankful.
Yea, but what does all that crap buy you? It buys you freedom and peace of mind. Yes, this is a stressful time of the year, but it is stress you put on yourself.

Take Care,

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