Sunday, November 9, 2008

Time To Freak Out

I mentioned in my previous blog I had experienced some more anxiety attack issues. Strangely enough, it seems like many of my friends on here are going through similar issues. That got me humming. Why all the wackiness at the same time?

Well, it could be because of the holidays or the change of seasons. All of the preparations for Christmas can seem overwhelming. A warm sunny day definitely has a different effect than a cold cloudy one. Both of these can breed anxiety.

So, the real question is what to do? Well, strangely enough, I have the answer to that. Yes, I really do.

First, there is a song that is extremely relevant here. I heard it done by Dolly Parton on Markey's blog, but I would like to go with the original.

Now, I hope everyone recognizes this song. It is by John Lennon and says more to me each time I hear it. I get a message out of this song I previously didn't get. Why? Well, it is because of some of my experience with the study of psychology and philosophy. It is about what really matters. It is about the answer that answer to the question I mentioned above.

What can you do? If all you can really do is control what you do and, as I have said repeatedly, not attempt to control someone else, how can you make a difference? Can you matter?

I have also mentioned that you teach people how to treat you, so obviously you do have an influence, and therefore you matter. So, the question should be how can you influence others in a positive way?

The answer to that comes from something else I learned in psychology. The book I read suggested that if you aren't who you want to be, pretend to be like you would want to be and sooner or later you will be. In other words, if you act in a positive manner you will eventually change who you are and will really be the positive person that we all seek to be. In effect, our actions define who we are. Certainly that isn't true in the short term. I could do something real stupid tomorrow, but that doesn't make me stupid. I am talking about long term overall effects.

It is also reasonable to assume that we cannot truly influence others unless we truly believe in what we are doing. The non-verbal communications that I have mentioned with regard to the Dog Whisperer is a major reason. You communicate in more ways you realize, whether it be mannerisms, the way you dress, or the energy that you put out. So, the answer here is to change who you are to the positive thinking person that we would all like to be and then that positive thinking will carry forward to others.

This is where the added meaning to the song comes in. John Lennon asks you to join him in imagining a better world. In doing so I think he knew that his influence would be to cause a better world. He is saying that if we take the message from that song into our hearts, if we truly believe that the world he imagined could exist, then it will.

Yes, I know some of you will be saying, but that won't work because we can't get everyone to believe. Well, the question isn't whether we can get what we want. If we are always unsatisfied unless we get what we want, we will always be disappointed. So, if we look at things in terms of what we can do, which is being a positive influence on others, we can be successful because we can influence people.

This blog is getting rather long, so I will leave you waiting for the next blog, which is how to make the changes in yourself. The best part is, you haven't got to shave your head, wear a dress, and play a tambourine in an airport. You have everything you need within you.

Take Care,

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