Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Billionaire Thief
I don't like theifs, but there is a warm special feeling I get in my heart when a billionaire gets caught stealing. You could have spent the rest of your life enjoying your fortune or you could end up biting a pillow in prison. What a unique choice you've made.

In an article about the was in Pakistan, it mentions Britain's Chief of Defense Staff, Sir Jock Stirrup. I wonder if Jock realizes how luck he is that his last name is Stirrup, rather than Strap.

No Soup For You

As many of you know, I am very into psychology. But many of you don't realize that I get a lot of my thoughts from Seinfeld. It occurs to me that Seinfeld has provided us with the way to put an end to arguments. If you don't want an argument to continue, forget about all my other advise. Just start saying "no soup for you" until the other person gives up. There is no known response that will override this statement. In case they don't feel you are sincere, throw in one of these occasionally. Repeat as necessary.

Schmust schmemove schmall schme schmonsanants schmefore schne schmirst schmowel schmand schmadd schm schmo schme scmhart schmof schme schmord. Schmi schmalways schmanted schmo schmeate schmy schmown schmanguage.

Extra Credit
If you are able to decipher the previous topic, you get 10 points extra on you final grade.

Mason Dixon LIne
You have heard of the Mason Dixon Line. Have you heard of where it came from?

Throwing Underwear
Okay, apparently women like to throw their bras at Adam Lambert. Now, I don't get this. What would happen if I tossed my boxers at Dolly Parton? Do skid marks make it illegal?

Polish/Afghan Racing
Sometimes it pays to not read too much of a story. Apparently the Afghan President and citizens are going to race some people from Poland. No, don't read the news. Let me interpret it for you.

The profane philosopher managed a clean quote that makes a lot of sense. By the way, this guy has over half a million followerrs. Man, that is powerful.
"You sure do like to tailgate people... Right, because it's real important you show up to the nothing you have to do on time."

You may wonder why I edit out profanity, although I occasionally use it on here. It is simple. It is only appropriate to use profanity when I think it is funny. Check with me before posting any profanity. And there is another reason. There is a lot of trash on the net. I would prefer not to contribute to it.

RSS Made Easy
One of the reasons I am more into news and blogs these days is because of RSS. Recently I blogged a bit about it, but I ran across a little video that explains it better than I ever could. Check it out.

Take Care,

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