Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scooby Speaks

Theme Song
TV Shows have a theme song, so why shouldn't I. But finding a theme song isn't easy. You have to have some kind of criteria. Well, first the song must reflect how you feel. Also, it really helps if it has a definite beat, something you can stomp you foot to. Well, suddenly tonight while I was musing over my current situation a little ditty came to mind. I do hope you like it.

Well, as usual, I am on my wacky sleeping schedule. I sleep for a couple of hours and then I get up an work for a few hours. I wouldn't mind insomnia so much, if I could just sleep through it.

Dogs Poop
I just saw on MSNBC that someone is claiming a dog pooped in Air Force 1, the President's plane. I am a bit confused. When did a dog pooping become national news? Now, if they had a dog that never poops, maybe that would be a story.

Finances are doing a bit better. Once I was able to reimburse myself from the estate account for some of my expenses, I was able to jump back into the wide wide world of investing. I have a little bit of a lot of stuff now: a CD, a stock, and five different mutual funds. The stock was bought out of pure stupidity because I felt it was underpriced. I now see that I was incorrect. Sometimes I feel like those people on that game show. I sit around going no whammy, no whammy, no whammy...

Scooby Speaks
I have been teaching Scooby to speak and he seems to be catching on. I have gotten where I ask him if he wants to go outside. He still slurs his speech, but he is learning. He said "just open the door, butthead" the other day. I am so proud.

For me these days blogging is pretty weird. I don't really have a subject. I just kind of wait for something weird to pop into my head and then I write it down. After a while, I look at my list and go, dang, that there is a blog. So, I am not sure if I am blogging or anti-blogging. After all, I am writing stuff down because I don't have enough of a thought for a blog.

Thought For The Day
If you can't think of anything good about somebody, well, you should probably be an anchor man.

Take Care,

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