Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm Sorry You Choose To Believe That

Yes, there is always drama on here, which typically turns me away from myspace. How to handle it?

Defending Yourself
I don't understand the concept of defending yourself by trying to one up someone with drama. Why do people do this? Do they really expect this to work?

My grandfather always said that using profanity shows a lack of intelligence. After all, you cannot find a more descriptive phrase? Your vocabulary is so limited that you must resort to appearing trashy?

If someone tells a lie, why would you care? I love when people use the phrase "you are a .....". It is so hilarious. Someone actually thinks that they no more about you than you do. Even if they did, why in the world do they thing you would value their opinion? It baffles me, but I do see humor in it. The phrase "you are a stupid idiot" really tickles me. Every time I hear it I think, hmmm, is there another type of idiot to be. Perhaps I am a highly intelligent idiot. After all, this person hasn't given me any type of intelligence test.

People engaged in this drama are constantly trying to discover information about the other person. They do this by attempting to get the other person to respond. They do this so that they can make up a lie based upon the truth. Yes, this is very common.

You have a very good reason to be involved in the drama. The other person has a very good reason to be involved in the drama. Yea, you will make up a reason from the information and just go with it. It is human nature. You will prompt the other person to give you reasons by using our old friend the insult. You don't believe me? Review what you have said or did. You are looking for excuses to justify your actions.

How to respond?
Believe it or not, there are ways to respond with playing the childish one up insult game. You can choose to be confrontational or you can simply choose to move past it. There are numerous ways to do this. Some of the goodies are listed below.
  • I am sorry you feel that way. (This is one of my favorites.)
  • I am sorry you choose to believe that. (Yes, this is a bit more confrontational, but it is still good.)
  • That is an creative way to view it. (This should be used in place of you are a nut job.)
  • Well bless your heart. (An oldie, but a goodie.)
  • God bless you. (Now, this may come of sounding condescending. If it did, you said it right. )
Okay, maybe the last one is wrong, but it is entertaining. Remember, I provide exceptions for humor.
There is a saying that I have heard: "Apathy is rampant, but who cares"? Yes, I kind of like it.

Block User
It is so simple, but seems so hard for some people to do. You want to one up someone. You think that you are fighting back, being strong. It takes much more strength and self control to just "Block User".
Have you ever noticed that the same people always get caught up in drama? Yea, I often picture it as reruns. They react in similar ways, expect different results, and then do the same thing all over again. If you are going to do that, you must really enjoy it.

Believe it or not, the drama involves you being manipulated and someone trying to manipulate you. The more you respond and become upset, the more the other person realizes they are "winning", although there is really no winner.

Another thing that is used is guilt. People use their actions to prompt you to react in a way you would not ordinarily react. Yes, this produces justification, but it also can be used to produce guilt in you, and this is very intentional.

Okay, so now I have had a good ole fashioned ranting blog. Hopefully someone of it is useful to somebody somewhere somehow.

Take Care,

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