Monday, December 7, 2009

Separation of Stupidity & State

Sure, you have heard of separation of church and state, but what about separation of stupidity and state?

South Carolina
Yes, we are the palmetto state. Yes, palmetto, not pimento. Man, I was embarrassed when I figured that one out. Yes, we are a southern state, but we are a bit unique. South Carolina likes to buck the trends.

Blue Laws
No, the county I live in doesn't have a Sunday blue law, but the county right next door does. It is walking distance from one county to the next in the middle of the city. So, I guess one county just wants to miss out on the liquor sails. I can understand that.

General Merchandise Laws
Now, our blue law country has a more creative law. You are not allowed to sell general merchandise on Sunday before 1:30 pm. Sure, you can buy groceries or medicine, but try to buy a cooking pan. No, sorry. That would be illegal. Yes, you read that right. Lexington county takes a stance against general merchandise sold early in the day on Sundays. I suppose it is because Jesus didn't buy cookware before church or something. Welcome to Lexington County of South Carolina, where you are safe from Sunday morning cookware.

Look For The Good
I just added a section to the right about improvements Obama is making to the federal government. No, it doesn't mean I endorse him. It means when someone comes up with a good idea, it should be acknowledged.

This got me thinking about many of the blogs on here. How many blogs have you read on here about one of the Presidents that was positive? People are quick to say this sucks or that sucks, not offer solutions, and demonize the President. Is it really that hard to look for the good?

Yes, my favorite twitterer is at it again, and he was clean on this one. No editing required.

"We're out of Grape Nuts... No, what's left is for me. Sorry, I should have said "You're out of Grape Nuts."
You Thought You Were Lost?
If it took them since 525 B.C. to find you, yeah, you were really lost. And I thought my sense of direction was bad. No, you shouldn't have took that left turn at Albuquerque.

You Got A Driver's License?
If you failed your driver's test 949 times, could it be that driving just isn't for you?

Yea, I watched this movie. It came on Cinemax. It was okay although there was a lot of trashy language and the Notorious B.I.G was an incredibly bad example of a roll model. Dying over a stupid competition between the east and west coast just kind of tops the cake. What a terrible reason to die.

I find shows about this guy hilarious. There is one on now about the lost book of Nostradamus. Think about it. If you write predictions about things that can only be correlated to what you were predicting after they happen, what good are they?

Obama Improvements
I am for Obama just like I am for any U.S. President. This doesn't mean that I agree with him. I do agree with something he has done. He had a contest called the SAVE Award, which gives government employees the opportunity to make suggestions on how to streamline the government. The winner gets to meet with the President. Not a bad idea. They are apparently implementing a lot of the more than 38,000 ideas received. Yes, it sounds like common sense, but that is exactly what has been missing in Washington.

Take Care,

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