Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jesus Iron

Hopefully I am seeing some of the humor in the world these days, but you can't ignore the idiots that tend to be flaming in the news. Keep in mind that I make a conscious effort to not look very deeply into any of the stories, at least not the depressing ones.

Jesus Ironhttp://www.chinadaily.com.cn/life/images/attachement/jpg/site1/20091130/0023ae9885da0c7d6c5e5d.jpg
A woman found Jesus on the bottom of her iron. As amazing as that might seem, how does she know it is Jesus? How many long haired dudes with beards have there been in history? Why hasn't Jesus gotten a hair cut over the years? Could the image of that Oak Ridge Boy be showing up on Irons and why? Ooooooh, spooky!!!

Scooby versus Unsanitary Lady
The other day Scooby and I were out walking and he strayed onto someones patio/walkway in front of their apartment. I pulled with this leash but he didn't come quickly because he had wrapped it around a poll. Suddenly a lady pokes her head out and says to keep my dog off her patio. Okay, fine. Then she says that that is unsanitary. I respond, what is unsanitary. She said my dog peeing on a bush was unsanitary and that she was going to report it. I said fine, but as always you think of what you should have said later. Sorry lady, but I didn't know you intended to eat that bush. Yea, the apartment complex called me up and I told them I knew the nut job which complained. After looking back, I don't believe Scooby was peeing on the bush. He was actually just giving his opinion of the lady.

I have been playing around with a text to speech add on for Firefox call FireVox.
It is kind of cool, but the default voice sounds like the Sweedish chef
from the muppets. They have better quality voices available for $2 a
month. No, I am not willing to pay that
Bin Laden Drop
I am reading where we had Bin Laden within our grasp back in December of 2001. I really hope this was not the case, but it does point out what I was saying in a previous blog. When at war, you need to commit to finishing things quickly and allow the military to do their job.

Tiger Woods Gets Boo Boo
I have tried and tried, but I just don't care. I am not sure why the press is all excited about it. Was the accident caused by an affair? I still don't care. Why would I care? Guy that hits ball with stick gets in trouble with wife. Film at 11:00. Whoopie.

Wacko Kills Four Police
And the question is, who is the person you would least like to be these days? Fortunately the guy will likely soon be removed from the gene pool.

Yea, this one is pretty short, but I have a new topic in my head, so I needed to clear the slate:)

Take Care,

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