Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scooby is Pissed

It isn't something I like to think about. It is something I think we should all think about occasionally. Many seem to feel the war on terror has been for nothing. Notice how long it has been since we had a terrorist attack. The sacrifice of our armed forces is not for nothing. It is changing the world. It is only by the brave actions of these military people that the deaths of so many innocents have meaning. Never forget.

  • Larry Gilbert, the writer for M*A*S*H has passed away. It was one of my favorite TV shows growing up.
  • Chris Brown, some singer I have never heard of, was on the news doing community service. Heck, I didn't even know who he was and he has had number one hits I have never heard of. Why do you know you are old? Well, I think I am there.
I haven't mentioned Auburn on here primarily because I haven't been that into football the last few years, but this year I am trying to get back into the swing of things. Life just seemed too important to get rapped up in a game. I love Auburn and I hope to blog about them in the future.

Scooby is Pissed
Due to doctor's orders, I have to make sure he doesn't get excited and stays pretty docile, so we only take a very occasional short walk for him to do the bathroom. I keep him on the short leash all the time so he can't run around and get worked up. This is part of the heart worm treatment and it really stinks. Usually I will just let him run free late at night. He will follow along pretty much wherever I go and he loves it. I usually take him to some woods and just tell him to get in the woods and he runs off and plays and does his business and then comes back in about 5 minutes. We won't be doing that any time soon either. I have to keep him docile for a month. This is going to be tough.

If you say you don't make enough money to invest, you are wrong. A long time ago I heard a financial guy say that if you think you can't afford to invest, you can't afford not to. You should treat investing as any other bill. The sooner you start investing, the sooner you will realize how important it is. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you can make money while doing nothing and you may avoid ending up spending your retirement years as a Wal*Mart greeter.

Why do I know you have enough money to invest? Because if you make less money, you have already learned to get buy on less money, so you need less money return on your investments to survive. To not at least take 5 or 10 percent of your salary and dedicate it to your future is foolish. I wish I had been as wise when I was 20 as I am now. I would have been much better off.

A Giant Tooth
Driving back from the vet, I saw someone dressed up in a big tooth outfit waiving to cars. Now, I am not sure what the worst job in the world is, but I believe that dude is in the competition.

I sent off my last alimony payment the other day. For some reason my wife doesn't want to call it alimony, but now it is done. Things are going to be a bit better now. My child support payments have been extended because my son liked high school so much, he decided to attend for another year, but that is doable. A couple of months ago mom had to pay some of my bills for me. I am glad that won't happen again.

My Pop's estate will hopefully settle in a couple of months, but there is still a lot of legal mumbo jumbo going on. I will likely end up spending a lot of mine ensuring my brother is okay, but that is fine. I can take care of me. I just hope the settling of the estate isn't delayed. I have heard it can take up to five years, which is pretty ridiculous.

Health Care
I find this topic hilarious because it is the one of the few things I know of that the only way for it to succeed is to fail. Every American already has health care. Nobody can be turned away from a public hospital because of a lack of ability to pay. So, what is happening here? We want everyone to have health insurance so that they can't lose everything they own to pay medical bills. Well, that is certainly a good intention. Now, consider the result. We revamp the health care system and everyone lives longer. What does that mean? More people, which means more sick people, which means the health care system has to fail. I consider the health care debate to be a joke being played on America.

It is a game that politicians play. They are basically promising to give you something. They are buying your vote. The problem is, they don't have it to give, so they steal it. You think they just take it from evil rich people and that doesn't affect you? How many people have jobs working for poor people? Yea, it costs you your job, but relax, you have health insurance. They just took all of your money from you in a different manner.

Wow, I can't believe I went on a political rant:)

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