Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dark Rye Bread

Funky Mood Music

Strange Things

I have recently developed a craving for dark rye bread. I am not sure where this craving comes from. Is there a Freudian out there that can help me?

Hermit Work
My brother is the original hermit. He doesn't work. Now that dad passed away, supporting my brother has become a concern. Dad left him a lot of money, but with no other income and no support, he would likely be broke in about 15 to 20 years. So, I have been wondering what he could do to earn a little bit of money. I have come up with a variety of ideas, but the simplest seems to be to reduce his cost of living. Installing energy efficient light bulbs and closing off part of the house seems like an obvious idea.

Then the other day I ran across something that might be even more beneficial because he could reduce his living costs and could even possibly eventually earn some money doing it. My brother is a very meticulous person. Assembling solar panels seems ideal for him. I ran across some videos to give you an idea of what I mean.

Yea, I know you tree huggers are loving this. And for someone with a lot of free time on their hands and who is very meticulous, it could be a winner.

And if you build enough of them, you can actually make money from the power company.

I am not sure if I can motivate him, but I may just give it a shot. It seems like something that someone with a lot of patience could be good at.

Take Care,


Unknown said...

I considered the solo thing when I had the house. Apartment living is another animal.

Does brother have someone to manage his money? Depending on the amount, it is possible to get safe investments and life mostly off just the interest/income, leaving the principle for something catastrophic.

Unknown said...

He has a financial advisor for his retirement money. In terms of his other finances, that would be me.
