Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scooby's Hospital Adventure

Yes, I am stressed. Scooby is fine, he is just at the doggy hospital getting treated for heart worms.

He apparently had them when I got him and they were treating him with the heart guard. Apparently that can take years to work once your dog has the issue, so I had to do something about it.

The only other time we have been apart other than for a few hours is when I went to Alabama for my Pop's funeral. I missed him then, but fortunately he was at a puppy resort where his room cost more than some hotel rooms. He was well taken care of and I was very busy dealing with family issues.

I left him at the doggy hospital about 8:30 am Monday morning. I visited him for about a half an hour at 3:00 pm that day and also on Tuesday at the same time. Yea, they were short visits, but I took him doggy cookies. Yea, he is suppose to be on a doggy diet, but I made exceptions. Tomorrow at about 3:00 pm I get to go pick him up.

It took these couple of days for me to realize how much I have grown to depend upon him. With the loss of my wife, kids, father, uncle, cousin, and a face book friend over the last few years, handling stress has been a big issue. Following the family counselors advice has been difficult, but I have done pretty well at it. Added stress with my mother's, brother's, and my sickness have complicated matters. In general I have learned to deal with things well, but you can't really deal with what you dream, which is why I am up now.

And then along comes Scooby. It took a while for me to realize that when he is around I feel safer. Many of my symptoms almost go away. Things such as fainting, head aches, panic attacks, and dizziness don't happen that often when Scooby is around. Yes, he is a natural treatment. I keep realizing how much I have integrated him into my life when I do weird things like calling for him last night or thinking I needed to go for a walk before I went to bed. The number of times I have looked for him is incredible.

I guess this means I am pretty weird, but I have always found dogs much easier to deal with than people. Dogs are pretty simple. They are what you see. There is none of the bad characteristics that we associate with people. They are very loyal and loving. How do I know? By the fit he has when I show up at the doctors office. He knows me and he wants to be around me. It is just about the most wonderful feeling I have these days and I cherish it.

Now that I have revealed how big a nut job I truly am, back to bed.

Take Care,


Unknown said...

I get the same feelings with my kitty. There is an unconditional love there.

Unknown said...

It is a special feeling. I can't believe I become so dependent upon him so quickly.
